
Mountain Hikes

Welcome to Oldedalen

the most adventurous hiking valley in Norway

Norwegians are known to hike in the mountains, and for good reason. Do you want to experience the beautiful Norwegian nature from above? We made a guide of all the best trails in the valley. Have a look!

The Trail Guide





Secret Cave







Easier Hikes


Round trip: 2h 00m

Challenge: ●○○○○

Briksdal Glacier, river running in the foreground behind a swing.

Voted one of the best attractions in the world by "Dream World Cruise Destinations" in 2010. On the list of the eight best attractions in the world, we find Briksdalsbreen Glacier. The announcement says that the eight who have received the award have the best combination of products, friendly, professional staff, and an effective organization.

Briksdalsbreen is one of the most visited nature attractions in Norway, with about 300,000 visitors each year. With its mystical and fantastic nature, and the activities offered, and the infrastructure around the attraction, this is a tourism product in the world-class.

Technical information

Low incline


Round trip: 4h 00m

Challenge: ●●○○○

Brenndalen. A valley with waterfall in the foreground and glacier in the background

Do you want to experience the glacier first-hand? The Brenndalen hike is your shortest alternative. Starting from Aabrekk Farm, you quickly gain elevation before reaching the plateau. From there you traverse through this beautiful valley, with less incline and more sightseeing. However, when reaching the inner parts, you need to prepare for some climbing. Ready up for beautiful rivers, wildlife, and waterfalls - with sight of the glacier at the very end.

Technical information

Low incline, rock-climbing, river-crossing


Round trip: 1h 30m

Challenge: ●●○○○

A beautiful, slim waterfall running down from the glacier in the background. The river is running down a green landscape towards you.

Gytridalen is a hidden gem in Oldedalen. With its secluded location and mysterious appeal, it is the perfect destination for your next excursion. The hike starts by the lake and takes you to the big boulder “Storsteinen”. You can experience a great view of the waterfall with the glacier behind in the distance. However, if you want to come close to the waterfall, you have to cross a river.

Technical information

Moderate incline


Round trip: 4h 30m

Challenge: ●●●○○

A hiker onhis way up a crevasse, looking around. The crevasse is tight with a stairway made of stone.

The path to Oldeskaret is one of the most unique trails in Oldedalen, where you can wander on a ledge leading through a narrow crevasse. Even though the steep mountainside looks daunting, this passage makes the terrain traversable. In older times the route was used as a passage to the neighbouring valley; Stardalen. In more recent times the trail has been overhauled by Sherpas who reconstructed the path with stairs going most of the way, and up through the crevasse.

This hike is the first part of Middagsnibba.

Technical information

High incline, stairs

Secret Waterfall Cave

Round trip: 45m

Challenge: ●●○○○

Ever wondered what hidden treasures you can find behind a waterfall? In the shadow of this waterfall, there lies a secret cave so obscure few people know of it. It is within walking distance of the site and is a relatively short hike. Although it is close by, it is just as unique as the other hikes on the list.

Technical information

High incline, rock-climbing


Challenge: ●●●○○

Round trip: 3h 00m

View out of a window from a seter. Bright summer day. View down to farm land at the bottom of the valley.

A “seter” was a seasonally operated settlement, used for agriculture during summers. These small plots of land were pre-industrial pastures where the farmers would have their livestock, allowing them to take advantage of much-needed resources.

Belonging to all the farms in Oldedalen, there are more than 20 mountain cabins in total, scattered throughout the mountainsides. Some of them were in use as late as only two generations ago. The huts are built in locations with stunning views, and their function was to shelter the farmers and their cattle.

Technical information

High incline

Mountain Peaks

Mt. Kattanakken

1445 msl.

Round trip: 6h 00m

Challenge: ●●●●●

Dramatic view from a sharp mountain ridge. Two hikers walking the ridge, and you can see the norwegian landscape in the background.

Kattanakken, or “The cat’s neck”, stands out with its extraordinary view of the valley and the glaciers around. It is the most famous mountain peak in Oldedalen, and that is for good reason. The hike starts at Briksdalsbre Fjellstove, from where you follow Kaiser Wilhelm’s trail, past a breathtaking waterfall, towards the Briksdal Glacier.

As you gain altitude, you will soon reach the mountain’s very characteristic ridge. Progressing up the cat’s neck, your beautiful surroundings gradually reveal itself. Rock climbing is on the menu - be ready for a challenge.

The peak is the tallest on the list. The mountain ridge reaches all the way back where it meets the glacier. Here you have the opportunity to touch and walk on the glacier.

Technical information

High incline, rock climbing


1268 msl.

Round trip: 6h 00m

Challenge: ●●●●●

Wooden shelter settled on a mountain top. In the background you see peaks covered in glacier.

For centuries, the glacier plateau has been a natural highway for regional travel. The Flatsteinbu hut was first built to provide shelter for faring hikers. In case of bad weather - and with a dangerous descent ahead, a shelter was needed. This especially during seasonal winter storms causing poor visibility.

Starting off, you quickly gain altitude as you make your way up the steep mountainside. Once the terrain flattens out you pass Kvamssetra. From here you continue up through Kvamsdalen, which is a high-altitude side valley. At the inner part of the valley, you will begin another steep incline through sometimes snowy, rocky terrain.

The mountain top bears marks of being flat on top, but don’t be fooled. Only a couple of hundred meters from the hut there’s a 700-meter-tall vertical drop, off a cliff, with a stunning view of Brenndalen. This trail is the easiest path to enter the glacier plateau.

Technical information

High incline

1062 msl.

Mt. Aabrekkenibba

Challenge: ●●●●●

Round trip: 7h 00m

Two hikers walking down a mountain ridge. In the background you can see tall mountain peaks covered in glacier as well as a beautiful waterfall, called Volefossen.

Welcome to Jostedalsbreen National Park. The dreamy walk on the peak’s mossy bed is a fairytale. When traversing up the ridge, you experience an extraordinary panoramic view. You’re surrounded by glaciers and breathtaking waterfalls in every direction, with the valleys Briksdalen and Brenndalen on either side of the edge.

Normally when hiking, there are plentiful springs and streams along the way, but this mountain’s steep and narrow features mean there are no sources to be found, so you can’t refill your water bottle. You’ll have to carry all the water you need with you.

The hike is a personal favourite, and is where the introductive video is filmed. This is a recommended trail for all experienced hikers.

Technical information

High incline, No water sources

Mt. Middagsnibba

1443 msl.

Challenge: ●●●●●

Round trip: 7h 30m

You are looking at the lighthouse of Oldedalen. This towering mountain offers a unique view of the valley, and the glacier plateu.

This hike is not for beginners, as it is the most challenging one. Due to the different terrains, it’s the most versatile one. You get to experience climbing, where you may need additional equipment, such as ice axes and ropes.

The trail to Middagsnibba starts from Oldeskaret, then continues further up the steep, north face of the peak. It’s accessibility largely depends on the season, as a descision has to be made, weather to climb rocks or snow.

Technical information

High incline, river-crossing, additional gear needed

Mt. Klovane

982 msl.

Round trip: 6h 00m

Challenge: ●●●●○

Klovane might be the lowest peak at below 1000 meters, yet it offers one of the greatest views. The mountain is located halfway up the valley, which grants it a unique 360° viewpoint. Gaze at the beautiful nature surrounding you.

Your journey starts at Oldevatn Camping, a camping site set just under the mountain, by the bridge where you cross the lake. The trail is generally quite steep - a recurring theme around here. The upside to this is, of course, the quickly gained altitude and the fast changing scenery.

Experience true panorama.

Technical information

High incline